Racial Justice

Ministry in Ferguson, MO

Rose was present to the uprising in Ferguson, MO during her ministerial internship. Find out more about how she responded, and how this experience shaped her.


Racial Justice

fav image from ferguson

Racial justice is particularly close to my heart, for I have seen so many of my friends and loved ones struggle to maintain a sense of self in the face of a world that devalues their intellect and capacity because of their race. Racial discrimination is inextricably linked to economic wealth, gender biases, homophobia, and incarceration. Racial justice should be on the forefront of our minds as we lean into our religious callings for an all-encompassing love.

It is important for us to ask ourselves the questions: Whose liberation are we radically committed to, actually? Where have we, as a denomination, put power behind our words?  In LGBTQ rights, we UU’s have made great and effective strides; in environmental rights, we are totally committed.  But we are lagging in our racial justice. If we are so radically dedicated to racism, then why are many of our congregations inhospitable to people of color?  This is a question for ourselves and ourselves only, for it is we who block ourselves from fighting for dignity and worth in every person.  In many of our congregations this radical Universalism is trumped by the vast UU majority’s discomfort with whiteness, internal racism, and the intersection between race and class.  But there is no reason to live, work, and worship in majority white worlds.  Instead, we must do the difficult and liberating work of joining the fight for justice as self-reflecting white UU allies and UU people of color to combat the racism that persecutes and oppresses the majority of people on this earth.