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Words about Rose:
From Rev. Rob Eller-Isaacs, Unity Church-Unitarian
Rose is a deeply compassionate person. That essential quality in ministry undergirds both her pastoral presence and her commitment to justice making. She is kind, curious, and inherently relational. She likes other people and they like her. She is skilled in conflict management, bringing her considerable resilience and ability to listen deeply into situation from which many would prefer to flee. She has demonstrated her justice commitments in community organizing both at Union and here at home. She did exemplary work in her St. Louis internship in the wake of the Ferguson crisis.
From Rev. Thomas Perchlik, First UU of St. Louis
“Rose shows a great deal of personal grounding in, and commitment to, the Unitarian Universalist religious life. As a life-long UU, she deeply understands our way of religion, its complexities and confusions as well as its beauties and strengths.”
From Amy Genova, Congregant
“Today, we listened to the unfolding of a great UU minister. Rev. Thomas agreed. He said it is an honor to be Rose’s mentor. I loved the poetry…I loved her ability as a story teller…The children’s sermon was great fun, nice to see the adults smiling. Poetic, inspiring, publishable.
Even the other night at the un-Fish Fry, I thought how easy it is to be with Rose. Some complete strangers invited her to contra-dance.”
From Rev. Ana Levy-Lyons, First UU of Brooklyn, NY
“I [am] struck particularly with Rose’s presence in worship. She seems comfortable in her own skin, warm and caring – this combination makes congregants feel at ease with her. Her sense of quiet confidence helps her to “hold the space” in a lovely way. [Rose knows] how and when to use stories of her personal vulnerability to connect with the congregation without undermining her authority. This can be a tricky balance to strike, especially for a young woman.”
“I asked Rose to lead the Prayer in the service with some regularity, and she always did it beautifully. Her prayers were moving and down to earth – not flowery, but real and connected. There were often tears in people’s eyes when she prayed.”
From Rev. Dr. Bill Blaine-Wallace, Chaplain of Bates College
“I would be inspired and challenged for the good to serve with Rose as a fellow minister either in a co-minister or associate/assistant minister position in parish or institutional settings. Those Rose serves will be blessed. Rose is gift and grace with and for those with whom she is in relation.”
“I have experienced Rose [as an] amazingly seasoned homilist/preacher, for her age and experience.”
From Joanne Boulton, Alderwoman, St. Louis
“Rose’s presence in the pulpit seems far beyond her years, giving sermons based on original, meaningful, and stirring concepts, delivering her message with confidence, poise, and humor, and creating a conversation with the congregation.